
何婉莺,助理研究员,师资博后,华中农业大学与美国Purdue大学联合培养博士,陕西省“食品风味化学创新团队”青年骨干成员(田洪磊教授领衔)。主持国家自然科学基金项目1项、中国博士后面上项目1项、陕西省重点研发项目1项;以第一/通讯作者在国内外顶尖学术期刊(Food Chemistry, Food Research International, Food Bioscience, Food and Function, Journal of Food Engineering等)发表学术论文16篇,授权发明专利2项;参编教材1部;承担《果品蔬菜贮藏学》、《食品感官鉴评与掺伪检验》等课程教学;主要从事天然蛋白/肽精深加工与利用、食品风味趋变与调控技术、食品分子感官与营养相关领域的教学与科研工作。
2012.09-2016.06 华中农业大学食品科技学院 本科/食品质量与安全/导师:潘思轶教授
2016.09-2018.06 华中农业大学食品科技学院 硕士/食品工程/导师:潘思轶教授
2019.09-2021.09 美国普渡大学食品科学系 Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research
国家留学基金委资助联合培养两年 导师: Assoc. Prof. Owen Griffith Jones
2018.09-2022.06 华中农业大学食品科技学院 博士/食品科学/导师:潘思轶教授
2022.08-至今 陕西师范大学食品工程与营养科学学院 助理研究员
[1] Xialu Sheng, Ping Zhan, Peng Wang, Wanying He*, Honglei Tian*. Mitigation of high-fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis by thyme (Thymus quinquecostatus Celak) polyphenol-rich extract (TPE): insights into gut microbiota modulation and bile acid metabolism. Food & Function, 2024, 15, 2042-6496. (一区Top)
[2] Yu Zhao, Min Li, Ping Zhan, Peng Wang, Wanying He*, Honglei Tian*. A quality comparison for Xiecun Huangjiu with different aging stages based on chemical profile, aroma composition and microbial succession. Food Chemistry: X, 2024, 21, 101132. (一区)
[3] Meiqian Wang, Ping Zhan, Jingzhang Geng, Peng Wang, Wanying He*, Honglei Tian*. Identification and inhibition of key off-odorants in boiled greenfin horse-faced filefish (Thamnaconus septentrionalis) subjected to perilla polyphenols extract. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2024, 199, 116120. (一区Top)
[4] Peng Wang, Ping Zhan, Ruihao Liu, Wanying He*, Guitian Gao*, Honglei Tian. Characterization of the formation of key flavor volatiles in kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) during storage by integrating. European Food Research and Technology, 2024, 4, 1438-2377.
[5]Wanying He*, Peng Wang, Honglei Tian*, Ping Zhan. Self-assembled zein hydrolysate glycosylation with dextran for encapsulation and delivery of curcumin. Food Bioscience, 2023, 51, 102364. (一区Top)
[6] Tianle Wu, Peng Wang, Yuyu Zhang, Ping Zhan*, Yu Zhao, Honglei Tian*, Wanying He. Identification of muttony-related compounds in cooked mutton tallows and their flavor intensities subjected to phenolic extract from thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.). Food Chemistry, 2023, 427, 136666. (一区Top)
[7] Yu Zhao, Ping Zhan, Jingzhang Geng, Wanying He*, Peng Wang, Honglei Tian*. Sensomics-assisted key aroma molecules decoding of ginger-infused stewed beef. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2023, 190, 115555. (一区Top)
[8] Sujuan Xu#, Wangying He#, Jinting Yan, Runguang Zhang, Peng Wang, Honglei Tian*, Ping Zhan*. Volatomics-assisted characterization of aroma and off-flavors contributors in fresh and thermally treated kiwifruit juice. Food Research International, 2023, 167, 112656. (一区Top)
[9] Zuman Zhou#, Wanying He#, Honglei Tian*, Ping Zhan*, Jianshu Liu. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) polyphenols ameliorate DSS-induced ulcerative colitis of mice by mitigating intestinal barrier damage, regulating gut microbiota, and suppressing TLR4/NF-κB-NLRP3 inflammasome pathways. Food & Function, 2023, 14, 1113-1132. (一区Top)
[10] Xialu Sheng, Lixia Wang, Ping Zhan, Wanying He*, Honglei Tian, Jianshu Liu. Thyme (Thymus quinquecostatus Celak) polyphenol-rich extract (TPE) alleviates HFD-induced liver injury in mice by inactivating the TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway through the gut–liver axis. Foods, 2023, 12(16), 3074.
[11]Wanying He, Liang Tian, Fang Fang, Siyi Pan*, Owen Griffith Jones*. Heat-induced glycosylation with dextran to enhance solubility and interfacial properties of enzymatically hydrolyzed zein. Journal of Food Engineering, 2022, 321, 110946.
[12]Wanying He, Liang Tian, Fang Fang, Da Chen, Enrico Federici, Siyi Pan*, Owen Griffith Jones*. Limited hydrolysis and conjugation of zein with chitosan oligosaccharide by enzymatic reaction to improve functional properties. Food Chemistry, 2021, 348, 129035. (一区Top)
[13]Wanying He, Liang Tian, Shanshan Zhang, Siyi Pan*. A novel method to prepare protein-polysaccharide conjugates with high grafting and low browning: application in encapsulating curcumin. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2021, 145, 111349. (一区Top)