
食品学院学术报告-肖航 副教授

发布日期:2016-12-27     作者: 管理员     分享到:

讲座题目:Non-extractable polyphenols from cranberry: a potential anti-inflammatory and anti-colon cancer agent

讲座人: 肖航 副教授(美国马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校)



地点:长安校区 格物楼大厅二层食品学院学术报告厅



Hang Xiao is currently Associate Professor, Honors Program Director in Department of Food ScienceUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst. He focused on identifying potential disease preventive dietary components (nutraceuticals), elucidating their molecular mechanisms, investigating possible synergistic interactions among these dietary components and commonly used pharmacological compounds, enhancing biological activities and bioavailability of dietary components by food processing and nanotechnology, with the long-term goal of developing diet-based strategies for the prevention of chronic diseases. So far he has published more than 100 research papers in various journals as Food Research International, Food Hydrocolloids, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. You can find more about him at http://www.umass.edu/foodsci/faculty/hang-xiao.