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  • 职       称:教授
  • 毕业学校:中国农业大学
  • 电       话:
  • 电子邮箱:mengyonghong@snnu.edu.cn
  • 研究方向:天然功能成分生物制造;功能因子作用机制与高值产品开发



科技部国家科技创新创业人才和中组部创业领军人才,中国食品工业协会科技创新领军人物,中国化工学会生物化工专业分委会委员,中国食品科学技术学会果蔬分会常务委员,陕西省食品科学技术学会秘书长,西部果品资源高值利用(教育部)工程中心常务副主任,《中国油脂》杂志编委Food Innovation Advances青年编委等职务。主要从事功能成分生物制造、功能因子作用机制与高值产品开发领域研究。主持国家重点研发计划课题1项、子课题2项,国家自然基金面上项目2项,科技部863项目1项,军委-教育部装备预研项目1项,教育部博士点基金和陕西省重点研发计划等课题6项;以一作或通讯作者发表SCI论文50篇;获批发明专利40件;鉴定科技成果3项;参编专著3部;获陕西省科学技术二等奖1项,三等奖1项。


天然功能成分生物制造:针对果蔬、油料中天然功能因子规模化制造受限于植物资源、提取效率低等问题,构建了非常规微生物生物制造平台技术体系。重点突破了生物酶大数据挖掘与计算,智能筛选并理性进化关键元件;代谢通路设计强化,工程菌株基因编辑与适配性进化;代谢耦联、动态调控等智能发酵技术;绿色提取、高效分离等使能炼制下游过程关键技术。发明了植物甾醇酯绿色制造生产技术并建设了我国第一条植物甾醇酯生产装置。首次在工业化水平实现类胡萝卜素产量10.1 g/L,生产强度0.12 g/L/h;发酵天然香兰素产量40 g/L,生产强度1.7 g/L/h



1994.9-1998.7  西北大学 生物系 本科

2000.9-2003.7  西北大学 生命科学学院 应用微生物硕士

2003.9-2006.7  中国农业大学 生命学院 博士

2007.10-2010.9 北京化工大学化工学院 博士后

2014.7-2015.7 美国华盛顿州立大学 青年骨干高端访问学者


1998.7-2000.9  陕西省科学院酶工程研究所

2006.7-2007.10 秦皇岛领先科技发展有限公司 副总经理

2010.9至今  陕西师范大学 食品工程与营养科学学院

近五年发表文章(一作 & 通讯):

[1] Zhang Shuqing, Wang Xiaoyu, Liu Shilin, Hu Ching Yuan, Meng Yong Hong*. Phlorizin ameliorates cognitive and behavioral impairments via the microbiota-gut-brain axis in high-fat and high-fructose diet-induced obese male mice[J]. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2025, 123: 193-210. DOI: 10.1016/j.bbi.2024.09.008.

[2] Shen lin Liu, Ya long Lu, Dan Tian, Ting ting Zhang, Chao Qun Zhang, Ching Yuan Hu, Ping Chen, and Yong Hong Meng*. Hydroxytyrosol Alleviates Obesity-Induced Cognitive Decline by Modulating the Expression Levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factors and Inflammatory Factors in Mice[J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2024, 72 (12), 6250-6264. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.3c08319.

[3] Zheng Rong, Chen Qi Hang, Yang Qing Bo, Tian Gong, Ching Yuan Hu, Yong Hong Meng*. Engineering a Carotenoid Cleavage Oxygenase for Coenzyme-Free Synthesis of Vanillin from Ferulic Acid[J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2024. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.4c01688.

[4] Chi Zhang, Tian Gong, Shan Qiang, Xiao Yu Wang, Xiao Ru Wang, Shuai Zhang, Yong Hong Meng*. A clean label O/W pickering emulsion stabilized by pectin-containing lignocellulosic nanofibrils isolated from apple pomace[J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2023,109583.

[5] Zhang Shuai, Chen Rongqiang, Ding Chenfeng, Tian Gong, Sun jiaojiao, Li Fengchen, Zhang Chaoqun, .Wang Xiaoyu, Guo Yurong, Zhong Tuhua, Meng Yong Hong*. Fabraction of edible bio-nanocomposite coatings from pectin-containing lignocellulosic nanofibers isolated from apple pomace[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 279: 135030.

[6] Tian Dan, Liu Shenlin, Lu Yalong, Zhang Tingting, Wang Xue, Zhang Chaoqun, Hu Chingyuan, Chen Ping, Deng Hong, Meng Yong Hong*. Low-methoxy-pectin and chlorogenic acid synergistically promote lipolysis and β-oxidation by regulating AMPK signaling pathway in obese mice[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 280: 135552.

[7] Liu Liang, Shi Linshan, Hu Chingyuan, Tian Gong, Yang Xueyan, Zhang Chaoqun, Meng Yong Hong*. Walnut protein isolate based emulsion as a promising delivery system enhanced lutein bioaccessibility[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 275: 133608.

[8] Liang Liu, Tian Gong, Ching Yuan Hu, Hong Deng, Yong Hong Meng*. ZNF1 up-regulation improves aroma profile by activating carbohydrate metabolism-associated pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae WFC-SC-071[J]. Food Bioscience 56(2023) 103337.

[9] Yan Yi Qi, Tian Gong, Peng Tao Zhao, Yong Jie Niu, Yong Yuan Hu, Ching Yuan Hu, Shuai Zhang, Yong Hong Meng*. Hydroxytyrosyl oleate is a promising safe additive to inhibit the oxidation of olive oil[J]. Food Control 153(2023) 109895.

[10] Lin Shan Shi, Xue Yan Yang, Tian Gong, Ching Yuan Hu, Ye Hua Shen, Yong Hong Meng*. Ultrasonic treatment improves physical and oxidative stabilities of walnut protein isolate-based emulsion by changing protein structure[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology 173(2023) 114269.

[11] Qi Hang Chen, Ya Dan Qian, Yong Jie Niu, Ching Yuan Hu, Yong Hong Meng*. Characterization of an efficient CRISPR-iCas9 system in Yarrowia lipolytica for the biosynthesis of carotenoids[J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2023)107:6299-631.

[12] Liang Liu, Peng Tao Zhao, Ching Yuan Hu, Dan Tian, Hong Deng, Yong Hong Meng*. Screening low-methanol and high-aroma produced yeasts for cider fermentation by transcriptive characterization[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology 2022,13:1042613.

[13] Jia Rui Liang, Hong Deng, Ching Yuan Hu, Peng Tao Zhao and Yong Hong Meng*. Vitality, fermentation, aroma profile, and digestive tolerance of the newly selected Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and Lacticaseibacillus paracasei in fermented apple juice[J]. Frontiers in Nutrition 2022,9:1045347.

[14] Xue Yan Yang, Lin Shan Shi, Tian Gong, Ching Yuan Hu, Yu Rong Guo, Yong Hong Meng*. Structural modification induced by heat treatments improves the emulsifying attributes of lacquer seed protein isolate[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 222 (2022) 1700-1708.

[15] Ting Yuan Qiu, Tian Gong, Shuai Zhang, Qi Hang Chen, Ching Yuan Hu, Yong Hong Meng*. A carbon-carbon hydrolase from human gut probiotics Flavonifractor plautii catalyzes phloretin conversion[J]. Food Bioscience 50 (2022) 102178.

[16] Tian Gong, Bang Chen, Ching Yuan Hu, Yu Rong Guo, Ye Hua Shen, Yong Hong Meng*. Resveratrol inhibits lipid and protein co-oxidation in sodium caseinate-walnut oil emulsions by reinforcing oil-water interface[J]. Food Research International 158 (2022) 111541.

[17] Qihang Chen, Yaqin Jiang, Zhengzhong Kang, Jie Cheng, Xiaochao Xiong, Ching Yuan Hu, and Yong hong Meng*. Engineering a Feruloyl−Coenzyme A Synthase for Bioconversion of Phenylpropanoid Acids into High-Value Aromatic Aldehydes[J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2022,70,9948-9960.

[18] Shu Qing Zhang, Dan Tian, Ching Yuan Hu, and Yong Hong Meng*. Chlorogenic Acid Ameliorates High-fat and High-Fructose Diet-Induced Cognitive Impairment via Mediating the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis[J]. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2022,70,2600-2615.

[19] Tian Gong, Dan Tian, Ching Yuan Hu, Yu Rong Guo, Yong Hong Meng*. Improving antioxidant ability of functional emulsifiers by conjugating polyphenols to sodium caseinate[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology 154 (2022) 112668.

[20] Qi Hang Chen, Dao Tao Xie, Shan Qiang, Ching Yuan Hu1, Yong Hong Meng*. Developing efficient vanillin biosynthesis system by regulating feruloyl‑CoA synthetase and enoyl‑CoA hydratase enzymes[J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2022) 106:247-259.

[21] Jia Lei LEI, Ching Yuan HU, Hong DENG, Yu Rong GUO, Yong Hong MENG*. Authentication of fresh apple juice by stable isotope ratios of δD, δ18O and δ13C[J]. Food Science and Technology v42, e71620, 2022.

[22] Pengtao ZHAO, Ying ZHANG, Hong DENG, Yonghong MENG*. Antibacterial mechanism of apple phloretin on physiological and morphological properties of Listeria monocytogenes[J]. Food Science and Technology v42, e55120, 2022.

[23] Hong DENG, Pengtao ZHAO, Tiange Yang, Yonghong MENG*. A comparative study of the cloudy apple juice sterilized by high-temperature short-time or high hydrostatic pressure processing: shelf-life, phytochemical, and microbial view[J]. Food Science and Technology v42, e63620, 2022.

[24] Shuqing Zhang, Chingyuan Hu, Yurong Guo, Xiaoyu Wang, Yonghong Meng*. Polyphenols in fermented apple juice: Beneficial effects on human health[J]. Journal of Functional Foods 76 (2021) 104294.

[25] Fan Yang, Bo Feng, Yong Jie Niu, Ching Yuan Hu, Yong Hong Meng*. Fu instant tea ameliorates fatty liver by improving microbiota dysbiosis and elevating short-chain fatty acids in the intestine of mice fed a high-fat diet[J]. Food Bioscience 42 (2021) 101207.

[26] Fan Yang, Liang Liu, Shan Qiang, Ching Yuan Hu, Ying Li, Yong Hong Meng*. Enhanced b-carotene production by overexpressing the DID2 gene, a subunit of ESCRT complex, in engineered Yarrowia lipolytica[J]. Biotechnology Letters (2021) 43:1799-1807.

[27] Liang Liu, Yu Ling Qu, Gui Ru Dong, Jing Wang, Ching Yuan Hu and Yong Hong Meng*. Elevated β-Carotene Production Using Codon-Adapted CarRA&B and Metabolic Balance in Engineered Yarrowia lipolytica[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology 2021,12,627150.

[28] Yuling QU, Daotao XIE, Chingyuan HU, Hong DENG, Yonghong MENG*. Direct steam injection pretreatment improves microwave-assisted extraction yield for total flavonoids and myricetin from Hovenia dulcis Thunb[J]. Food Science and Technology 41: 334-342, 2021.

[29] Feng Xin Yan, Gui Ru Dong, Shan Qiang, Yong Jie Niu, Ching Yuan Hu and Yong Hong Meng*. Overexpression of 12, 15-Desaturases for Enhanced Lipids Synthesis in Yarrowia lipolytica[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology 2020,11,289.

[30] Jia Xue, Lu Yang, Yi Yang, Jun Yan, Yuting Ye, Chingyuan Hu, Yonghong Meng*. Contrasting microbiomes of raw and ripened Pu-erh tea associated with distinct chemical profiles[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology 124 (2020) 109147.

[31] Li Na Wei, Chang Zheng Shi, Cang Xue Luo, Ching Yuan Hu, Yong Hong Meng. Phloretin inhibits biofilm formation by affecting quorum sensing under different temperature[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology 131 (2020) 109668.

[32] Shan Qiang, Jing Wang, Xiao Chao Xiong, Yu Ling Qu, Liang Liu, Ching Yuan Hu and Yong Hong Meng*. Promoting the Synthesis of Precursor Substances by Overexpressing Hexokinase (Hxk) and Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Synthase (Erg13) to Elevate β-Carotene Production in Engineered Yarrowia lipolytica[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology 2020,11,1346.

[33] Ya Dan Qian, Si Yuan Tan, Gui Ru Dong, Yong Jie Niu, Ching Yuan Hu, Yong Hong Meng*. Increased campesterol synthesis by improving lipid content in engineered Yarrowia lipolytica[J]. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2020) 104:7165-7175.

[34] Peng Jun Lv, Shan Qiang, Liang Liu, ChingYuan Hu, Yong Hong Meng*. Dissolved-oxygen feedback control fermentation for enhancing β-carotene in engineered Yarrowia lipolytica[J]. Scientific Report (2020) 10:17114.


[1] 孟永宏,邱亭媛,郭玉蓉,邓红,李封辰. 利用强启动子全合成羟基酪醇的重组解脂亚罗酵母菌的构建方法[P]. ZL202110292118.6, 授权日期2022-7-15.

[2] 孟永宏,杨雪言,郭玉蓉,邓红,李封辰. 一种促进重组解脂亚罗酵母菌合成根皮素的方法[P]. ZL202110157119.X, 授权日期2022-6-17.

[3] 孟永宏,苏安平,陈芝,李颖,强珊. 一种产番茄红素类球细菌工程菌株及其构建方法[P]. ZL201810457895.Y, 授权日期2022-4-5.

[4] 王静,孟永宏,刘梁,钱亚丹,杨凡.一种产β-胡萝卜素的基因工程菌及其构建方法[P]. ZL201811650420.9, 授权日期2022-4-5.

[5] 孟永宏,韩万友,郭玉蓉,邓红,仇农学. 一种从含果胶植物残渣中提取天然果胶的生物学方法[P]. ZL201610290019.3, 授权日期2019-2-12.

[6] 孟永宏,仇农学,郭玉蓉,邓红,刘芸,牛鹏飞. 基于榨前分离的苹果加工方法[P]. ZL201210114719.9, 授权日期2014-6-25.

[7] 孟永宏,师琳珊,李封辰,杨雪言,张帅,路亚龙. 一种具有良好乳化性能的核桃多肽及其制备方法[P]. ZL 2021 1 1548661.4,授权日期2023-08-15.

[8] 孟永宏,强珊,苏安平,陈芝,李颖. 一种产β-胡萝卜素类球红细菌工程菌株及其构建方法[P]. ZL 2018 10835248. 8授权日期2022-5-20.


[1] 《食品物性学》,科学出版社,副主编7万字。

[2] 《苹果加工副产物高值利用》,化学工业出版社,参编5万字。


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