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  • 电       话:029-85310517
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 1. 乙醛介导的黄烷醇聚合物与唾液PRPs 相互作用对红葡萄酒涩感的影响及作用机制,31301526青年基金,国家基金委,201401-201612

2. 红葡萄酒中花色苷-黄烷醇聚合物对涩感的影响及作用机制研究,2013JQ3016青年项目,陕西省科技厅201401-201512

3. 冷冻浓缩技术生产优质葡萄酒和低醇猕猴桃酒的试验研究,NC1318西安市现代农业创新计划,201306-201606

4、农作物新品种选育、引进及栽培加工技术研究与推广—— 基于榨前分离的葡萄全果利用关键技术研究2017050NC/NY006 1西安市科技局项目2017-08-21--2019-12-31








[1] Wang S.N., Zhang Q.T., Zhao P.T., Ma Z.Q., Zhang J.X., Ma W., Wang X.Y.*. Investigating the effect of three phenolic fractions on the volatility of floral, fruity, and aged aromas by HS-SPME-GC-MS and NMR in model wine. Food Chemistry: X, 2022, 13, 100281.
[2] Zhao P.T., Yang Y.,
Wang X.Y.*, Guo Y.R.. Evolution of typical aromas and phenolic compounds of a red-fleshed apple throughout different fruit developmental periods in Xinjiang, China. Food Research International. 2021, 148-157.
[3] Wang S.N.,
Wang X.Y.*, Zhao P.T., Ma Z.Q., Zhao Q.H., Cao X.M., Cheng C.Y.Q., Liu H., Du G.R.. Mannoproteins interfering wine astringency by modulating the reaction between phenolic fractions and protein in a model wine system. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 2021, 152(18):112217.
[4] Zhang Q.T., Chen T.G.,
Wang X.Y.*, Zhao P.T.. Lei X.Q., Liu P., Yuan H.H., Guo Y.R.. Influence of simulated grape crushing process on phenolic compounds extraction, astringency and color of Cabernet Sauvignon model wine. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 2020, 128:109514.
[5] Ren M.M.,
Wang X.Y.*, Chen T.G., Yuan H.H., Wang X.H., Zhu Y.Y.. Separating grape pomace before fermentation and restructuring the skin‐to‐seed ratio: A new scientific approach. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2020,44:e14486.
[6] Lei X.Q., Zhu Y.Y.,
Wang X.Y.*, Zhao P.T., Liu P., Zhang Q.T., Chen T.G., Yuan H.H., Guo Y.R.. Wine polysaccharides modulating astringency through the interference on interaction of flavan-3-ols and BSA in model wine. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2019,139(9)896-903.
[7] Du G.R., Zhu Y.Y.,
Wang X.Y.*, Zhang J., Tian C.R., Liu L., Meng Y.H., Guo Y.R.. Phenolic composition of apple products and by-products based on cold pressing technology. Journal of Food Science Technology. 2019,56(3):1389-1397.

[8]  Wang X.H.,  Wang X.Y.*, Zhu Y.Y., Ren M.M., Tian C.R.. Influence of acetaldehyde induction on monomeric and polymeric polyphenols in wine using the polyphenol/protein-binding model. South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture.2018, 39(1):149-156.
[9] Ren M.M.,
Wang X.Y.*, Tian C.R., Li X.J., Zhang B.S., Song X.Z., Zhang J..  Characterization of organic acids and phenolic compounds of cereal vinegars and fruit vinegars in China. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 2017,41(3)11-18.

[10] Ren M.M., Wang X.Y.*. Influence of Different Phenolic Fractions on Red Wine Astringency Based on Polyphenol/Protein Binding. South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture.2017, 38(1):118-124.